29 results for Call


Irresistible Church Network
This organization strives to unite mission-minded churches in a network to create an...
Flying in the Face of Tradition: Listening to the Lived Experience of the Faithful
This resource critiques the Roman Catholic church with love and grace, diagnosing its...
web resource
Youth Theology Network
This national network helps young people explore questions about their faith, purpose in the...
web resource
Audacious Hospitality Toolkit: LGBTQ Educational Resource Module
This toolkit helps synagogues create a more inclusive environment for LGBTQ people.
We Are Called To Be A Movement
This short book describes the power of justice movements and calls faith leaders to action.
Essential Tools for Hybrid Church Ministry
This article recommends online platforms and tools for congregational life during COVID-19.
4 Opportunities for the Church in the Current Political Tension
This article shares strategies for congregations to be part of the solution during divisive...
A Liturgy for the Closing of a Church
This resource contains a church closing liturgy that fits around the structure of a Sunday...
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