334 results for Congregation


Pursuing the Full Kingdom Potential of Your Congregation
This book equips churches with the tools needed to start a journey towards discovering...
Building a Healthy Multi-Ethnic Church: Mandate, Commitments and Practices of a Diverse Congregation
Written in three parts, this book encourages churches to seek diversity, and gives best...
Every Congregation Needs a Little Conflict
This book reveals how congregations can deal with conflict in a healthy way that will promote...
7 Do's and Don'ts of Welcoming Guests to Your Congregation
This article draws from the author's experience visiting various congregations to offer seven...
Insights Into: The Compassionate Congregation
This article provides concrete suggestions for congregations seeking to become more involved...
Does a Congregation's Location Influence Its Effectiveness?
This article argues that congregations can be successful regardless of their location,...
Racial Diversity in a Changing Harlem Congregation
This video by PBS details the changes and growth of First Corinthian Church in Harlem, New...
How Your Congregation Learns: The Learning Journey from Challenge to Achievement
This resource lays out a process for congregational leaders to move from identifying a...
10 Things Your Congregation Can Do to Become More LGBTQ-Welcoming
This article for open and affirming congregations lists ideas to actively embrace LGBTQ...
"How are you Doing?" Assessing Your Congregation and Community During COVID-19
This article offers tools to connect and care for your community during the COVID-19 crisis....
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