55 results for Interviews


web resource
CXMH Faith and Mental Health Podcast
This podcast supports congregational leaders interested in exploring the intersection of...
Toward the Better Country: Church Closure and Resurrection
This book draws from interviews with clergy and lay leaders from over 40 different churches to...
Out of Silence: Emerging Themes in Asian American Churches
Based on interviews, research, and surveys, this resource considers three types of Asian...
Priestly Ministry In Multiple Parishes
This resource explores the growing trend of Roman Catholic priests serving multiple parishes,...
Black Millennials & the Church: Meet Me Where I Am
This collection of African American narratives and statistics offers practical strategies...
Selecting Fundraising Consultants
Compiled from interviews with consultants and congregational leaders, this article is...
web resource
Religious Landscape Survey
This website contains abundant information culled from the Pew Forum’s work on the U.S....
web resource
Faith & Leadership
The Faith & Leadership website, courtesy of Leadership Education at Duke Divinity, offers a...
Leadership: An Art of Possibility
This DVD series contends there's a new way of leadership that invites people out of the...
Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community
Based on research from more than 100 interviews and site visits, this resource offers best...
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