145 results for Video


What To Do When… A Fight Breaks Out
These two video discussions suggest how to avoid congregational conflict and what to do when...
Tzedakah: The Jewish Concept of Charity
This nine-part video series provides a succinct yet in-depth overview of Tzedakah.
Group Publishing
This organization provides Biblically based resources on volunteers and volunteer management,...
Christian Community Development Association
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
This bestseller offers a leadership model that can be applied to a ministry setting, one that...
Change the World: Recovering the Message and Mission of Jesus
This video details the story of how one congregation in Ohio has grown into a vital ministry...
web resource
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly's website summarizes and adds to the television broadcast, which...
Reflect, Reclaim, Rejoice: Preserving the Gift of Black Sacred Music
As part of the Africana Hymnal Project of the United Methodist Church, this video invites...
web resource
Striving Toward Multi-Ethnic Church
This interview with Shirley Hoogstra of Calvin College and Rev. Dr. Geraldo Marti explains...
web resource
Groups Matter - #TheExchange with @EdStetzer and @RealEricGeiger
President of LifeWay Research Division Ed Stetzer and Vice President of LifeWay Christian...
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