57 results for Leading


Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making the Church Matter
Written for a Roman Catholic audience, this resource calls for renewal in Roman Catholic...
web resource
Who Does the Planning?
This web resource by Susan Beaumont, a former Area Minister in the American Baptist Churches...
Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church
This resource uses theory and practice to help congregations understand the dynamics of...
Where All Can Safely Live: A Guide to Understanding Bullying in our Communities, How to Talk...
This four-session curriculum is designed for teenagers and adults, equipping participants with...
Resources for Maintaining Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This article from the Inclusive America Project highlights many faith traditions with links to...
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies
This book enlightens readers about generational trauma, its impact on the body, and how to...
Strategic Leadership for a Change: Facing Our Losses, Finding Our Future
This book offers insight into change, and empowers leaders to guide their congregations...
web resource
National Religious Partnership for the Environment
The goal of this website is to express a united commitment to "seek justice and healing for...
web resource
This web resource is a vast library of resources for small group ministry that is organized...
Giving a Life Meaning: How to Lead Funerals, Memorial Services, and Celebrations of Life
This book provides practical tools for anyone leading a funeral service for the first time.
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