70 results for Members


The Unbroken Circle: A Toolkit for Congregations Around Illness, End of Life, and Grief
This toolkit envisions how a comprehensive care ministry might work, helping faith communities...
Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability
This accrediting agency upholds members to high standards of financial accountability, such...
The Art of Convening: Authentic Engagement in Meetings, Gatherings, and Conversations
This practical guide offers a new way for leaders to create environments where all members...
web resource
Who Does the Planning?
This web resource by Susan Beaumont, a former Area Minister in the American Baptist Churches...
web resource
Rural Church Network of the United States and Canada
This web resource, by Rural Church Network, provides space for congregational leaders in...
Healthy Churches, Faithful Pastors: Covenant Expectations for Thriving Together
This resource equips personnel committees to have positive conversations about leadership...
Small Group Leadership as Spiritual Direction: Practical Ways to Blend an Ancient Art into Your...
This resource looks at small group leadership from a counseling perspective, arguing that...
Making Small Groups Work: What Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know
Drawing upon the authors' experiences as psychologists, this resource looks at what makes...
The ‘Pay What You Want' Experiment at Synagogues
This New York Times article profiles various congregations that are trying new ways of...
Endangered Churches
This 10-minute video surveys the changing landscape of sacred buildings in Philadelphia.
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