648 results for Church


Against the Current: The Unexpected Challenges of Multi-Ethnic Ministry
This article contains an interview with the senior pastor of River City Community Church in...
The Christian Century and the Rise of the Protestant Mainline
This resource uses the magazine The Christian Century as a metaphor to talk about the...
For the City: Proclaiming and Living Out the Gospel
This short but engaging book dives into the work of two urban church planters, detailing...
Canaan Land: A Religious History Of African Americans
Written by a professor at Princeton University, this resource combines narrative, facts, and...
Associate Staff Ministry: Thriving Personally, Professionally, and Relationally
This book for associate staff encourages growth and well-being, focusing on four areas:...
Memories, Hopes, and Conversations: Appreciative Inquiry, Missional Engagement, and...
This resource details the impact of Appreciative Inquiry and how to create congregational...
Visual Faith: Art, Theology and Worship in Dialogue
This resource examines the relationship between the church and visual imagery, introducing a...
Ministry and Money: A Practical Guide for Pastors
Written by an accounting professor and theology professor, this book is a practical overview...
SimpleGive: Online giving made simple
This customizable giving platform allows congregations to select a variety of services a la...
web resource
Renewing Worship
This website, provided the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and Kenny Lamm, who...
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