648 results for Church


Greater Orlando Baptist Association
This organization hosts an annual Renovate Conference as well as many online resources focused...
Tools for Rebuilding: 75 Really, Really Practical Ways to Make Your Parish Better
This easy-to-read resource offers tips on how to improve areas of the Roman Catholic Church,...
The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways
Written by a church communications professional, this step-by-step guide explains how and why...
Born of Water, Born of Spirit: Supporting the Ministry of the Baptized in Small Congregations
This resource reveals the potential for collaborative ministry within small congregations and...
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon: Ministering to Returning Combat Veterans
This resource equips congregations with sensitive and informed approaches to military...
God's House is Our House: Re-imagining the Environment for Worship
Targeted towards Roman Catholics, this book summarizes a twelve-step process that can be...
Pope Francis Calls All Catholics to Evangelize
Written by a theology professor, this article reflects on evangelism, the role of the...
Accounting and Money for Ministerial Leadership: Key Practical and Theological Insights
This book written by a seminary professor introduces faith leaders to basic accounting,...
web resource
Intercultural Ministries
This web resource by the Church of the Brethren provides information to develop a...
Reflect, Reclaim, Rejoice: Preserving the Gift of Black Sacred Music
As part of the Africana Hymnal Project of the United Methodist Church, this video invites...
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