63 results for Skills


This organization helps facilitate leadership skills through engaging activities and ropes...
Face to Face: The Art of Human Connection
This book offers stories and key strategies for conversation skills and meaningful human...
event Updated
Mental Health First Aid
This practical, skills-based training teaches participants how to address mental health...
web resource
Community Tool Box
This free web resource is a public service of the University of Kansas and its KU Work Group...
Dare to Lead
This book by Brene Brown shares research about brave leadership, four skills to lead boldly,...
Transformational Church: Creating a New Scorecard for Congregations
This book is written for congregations seeking to strengthen disciple-making skills through...
Transitional Ministry Today: Successful Strategies for Churches and Pastors
This collection of essays promotes a rethinking of the developmental model of interim ministry...
Your 'Surge Capacity' is Depleted: It's Why You Feel Awful
This article unpacks why self-care and crisis-management skills are insufficient for the...
Braver Angels
This organization helps Americans seek understanding across red and blue political lines,...
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