6 results for Mennonite


Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS)
This organization works with congregations to organize volunteers who repair and rebuild...
DOOR (Discover Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection)
This organization plans service trips to urban areas so teens can bond and learn about...
Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (LMPC)
This organization offers hands-on training clinics and onsite consulting for nonviolent...
The Little Book of Dialogue for Difficult Subjects: A Practical, Hands-On Guide
This peacebuilding book offers a group dialogue process and conversation skills to build...
web resource
The CARES Act and Your Nonprofit or Church
From a Mennonite financial institution, this web resource offers clear financial and legal...
Radical Hospitality: Responding to the issue of Immigration
This Mennonite curriculum provides a 6 to 13-week Bible study about immigration.
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