10 results for Pay


Church Administration Training
Curator Aaron Spiegel
5 resources
Church Staff Resources
Curator Kelly Minas
8 resources


The ‘Pay What You Want' Experiment at Synagogues
This New York Times article profiles various congregations that are trying new ways of...
web resource
This job search database allows congregations to post job opportunities and helps candidates...
web resource
This survey-based data bank provides employee salary information for more than 100 job titles...
web resource
What "story" does the condition of your facility tell?
This blog post argues that congregations should pay attention to building cleanliness and...
Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center
This organization is Indiana's first community mental health center and provides...
Bowen Digital
This organization provides congregations with marketing and podcasting services. Bowen...
organization Updated
Respond Crisis Translation
Respond Crisis Translation is a coalition of language practitioners using their voices and...
Light Our Way: A Guide For Spiritual Care In Times Of Disaster
Believing that spirituality inspires compassion as often seen after a disaster, the...
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