6 results for Roman Catholic Church


The Hospitality of God: A Reading of Luke's Gospel
Written from the Roman Catholic Jesuit perspective, this scholarly book examines God's...
Racial Justice and the Catholic Church
This informative book analyzes the Roman Catholic Church's response to racism in America,...
Flying in the Face of Tradition: Listening to the Lived Experience of the Faithful
This resource critiques the Roman Catholic church with love and grace, diagnosing its...
Nothing to Hide: Secrecy, Communication, and Communion in the Catholic Church
Written by a journalist, this resource argues for a Roman Catholic church that is open,...
Tools for Rebuilding: 75 Really, Really Practical Ways to Make Your Parish Better
This easy-to-read resource offers tips on how to improve areas of the Roman Catholic Church,...
The Church: Unlocking the Secrets to the Places Catholics Call Home
This resource combines theology, illustration, and history to delve into features of the Roman...
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