John Roberto


Leadership expert John Roberto has led numerous workshops for the Center for Congregations, including the most recent Generations Growing Together. John is with LifelongFaith Associates. He is an author and a consultant to churches and national organizations, and he teaches courses and conducts workshops in faith formation.

Contributions From John Roberto

Generations Growing Together
Curator John Roberto
7 resources
Faith Formation 2020: Designing the Future of Faith Formation
This resource presents diverse ways to look at the future of faith formation, highlighting...
Families at the Center of Faith Formation
This resource combines research-based findings with practical tools to examine what makes for...
Becoming an Adaptive Leader: Based on the Work of Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky
This article overviews an adaptive leadership process used to define challenges and help...
Reimagining Faith Formation for the 21st Century: Engaging All Ages and Generations
This book offers a conceptual framework for faith formation in a changing world. Practical...
LifelongFaith Associates
Led by John Roberto, this organization helps congregations develop sustainable faith formation...
Generations Together: Caring, Praying, Learning, Celebrating, & Serving Faithfully
This comprehensive guide helps congregations lay the groundwork for establishing vibrant...
Lifelong Faith: Formation for All Ages and Generations
The author of this book, John Roberto, believes that discipleship can be invigorated by ...
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