278 results for Community


Pursuing God's Will Together: A Discernment Practice for Leadership Groups
This resource outlines how congregations can become a discerning community together, arguing...
Where the Cross Meets the Street: What Happens to the Neighborhood When God is at the Center
This resource offers inspiration and wisdom for leaders who minister in under-resourced...
web resource
This web resource promotes areyvut, a term that means "mutual responsibility", as a...
web resource
Sulam for Strategic Planners
Sulam for Strategic Planners (SSP) is a new program of United Synagogue to strengthen...
web resource
Publicly Engaged Church for Justice and Peace
This ELCA resource hub offers community organizing and advocacy tools for congregations.
Multidimensional Ministry for Today's Black Family
This collection of essays explores a range of topics that impact the well-being of individuals...
Managing Empty Buildings during COVID
This webinar highlights considerations for an empty worship facility such as safety,...
web resource
Visitations and Funerals
This go-to site for loss and grief during COVID provides re-imagined rituals, practical...
2020 Election: Faith Leaders Call for Moral Courage
This panel encourages clergy to be community leaders beyond the 2020 election for the moral...
Lessons in Belonging from a Church-Going Commitment Phobe
This memoir recounts one millennial feminist's approach to life in the Christian community and...
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