334 results for Congregation


The Welcoming Congregation: Roots and Fruits of Christian Hospitality
This book analyzes the theme of hospitality from multiple aspects, including the author's own...
The Soul of the Congregation: An Invitation to Congregational Reflection
This resource calls on readers to analyze the soul of their congregation --- what makes up...
Inside the Large Congregation
Written by a consultant who deals primarily with large congregations, this book is an overview...
Leadership That Fits Your Church: What Kind of Pastor for What Kind of Congregation
This e-book explores the challenges of pastoral leadership and provides clarity surrounding...
Small, Strong Congregations: Creating Strengths and Health for Your Congregation
This book shares insight into why and how small congregations can be strong and viable.
Change and Conflict in Your Congregation (Even If You Hate Both)
This book frames conflict as a tool to move congregations forward if used positively. In this...
book Updated
The Formative Power of Your Congregation
This book helps congregational leaders understand and apply a human development framework...
web resource
Is Your Congregation a Clergy Killer? How Church-goers Matter to the Mental Health of Pastors
This web resource includes a study of 1,500 ministers in the Duke Clergy Health Initiative...
Becoming a Congregation of Learners: Learning as a Key to Revitalizing Congregational Life
This book outlines five stages to transform synagogues into learning congregations.
The Power of Asset Mapping: How Your Congregation Can Act on Its Gifts
Divided into three sections, this book will help congregations discover their assets ---...
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