20 results for Equipping


Deep & Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend
This book argues that congregations should focus on designing their church for the unchurched,...
2022 Church & Clergy Tax Guide
This annual publication provides current information about tax laws, equipping treasurers and...
7 Shifts Churches Need to Make Because of the Coronavirus
This article encourages intentional leadership shifts to remain vital during COVID-19.
Multidimensional Ministry for Today's Black Family
This collection of essays explores a range of topics that impact the well-being of individuals...
Urban Ministry: An Introduction
This book combines theory and practical tips to place urban ministry front and center,...
Where All Can Safely Live: A Guide to Understanding Bullying in our Communities, How to Talk...
This four-session curriculum is designed for teenagers and adults, equipping participants with...
Church Transfusion: Changing Your Church Organically From the Inside Out
This resource centers on the role of leadership and how church leaders motivated by vital...
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