20 results for Equipping


Essential Tools for Ministry
Curator Matt Burke
5 resources
Church Administration Training
Curator Aaron Spiegel
5 resources
Church Leadership Workshops
Curator Ben Tapper
3 resources


The Equipping Church Guidebook
This biblically-based guidebook details a vision and strategy for implementing a...
The Missional Leader: Equipping Your Church to Reach a Changing World
This resource views missional churches as the best response to modern-day malaise in many...
web resource
Equipping Leaders: Stewardship
This webpage for stewardship resources offers a steady flow of new reflections, articles, and...
The Unstuck Church: Equipping Churches to Experience Sustained Health
This resource lays out the seven lifecycle phases of a congregation, beginning with "Launch"...
The New Breed: Understanding and Equipping the 21st Century Volunteer
This resource argues that 21st century volunteers are different, and thus, congregations must...
Making Amazing Live Online Learning
In this Trending in Education podcast episode, expert Adi Hanash highlights the benefits of...
This nonprofit organization specializes in supporting small and mid-sized congregations by...
web resource
Faith.Hope.Life. Initiative
Faith.Hope.Life. is a suicide prevention web resource for all faith traditions, equipping them...
Hope Made Strong
This organization is dedicated to equipping leaders with the mental health resources needed...
Christian Education in the African American Church: A Guide for Teaching Truth
This book focuses on providing a Christian education for African Americans, equipping...
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