24 results for Traditional


National Christian Foundation
This organization assists generous donors in maximizing their giving to charitable...
Missional Small Groups: Becoming a Community That Makes a Difference in the World
This resource shows how missional small groups differ from conventional small groups,...
Your 'Surge Capacity' is Depleted: It's Why You Feel Awful
This article unpacks why self-care and crisis-management skills are insufficient for the...
The Future of the African American Church: An Invitation to Dialogue
Two distinct perspectives, one from a seminary professor and one from a youth pastor, offer...
10 Things I Wish Every Christian Leader Knew About Gay Teens in Their Church
From a traditional marriage perspective, this article has concrete suggestions to relate with...
4 VBS Strategies for This Summer
This booklet offers strategies to adjust your summer programming due to COVID-19.
web resource
Jewish Values and the Coronavirus
This resource hub supports value-based leadership and ethical decision making during...
Becoming a Multicultural Church
This book details how one church went from being a traditional congregation to becoming a...
Culturally-Conscious Worship
This resource identifies challenges and offers solutions for congregations looking to reflect...
Posture Shift Ministries
Maintaining a traditional view of marriage, this organization helps ministry leaders care for...
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