228 results for Support


Global Immersion
This organization helps Christian clergy and lay leaders develop skills as peacemakers and...
Struggling With What to Do With Your Church Building? Here is How to Find Help
This article provides resources and strategies for congregations that are beginning to...
Serving in Asian American Youth Ministry: An Interview with Pastor Danny Kwon
This video can help congregational leaders looking to build stronger relationships with...
Clergy Financial Resources
This organization offers services for clergy and congregations around HR solutions,...
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The Daily Yonder: Religion And Faith
A part of a larger site dedicated to all things rural life, the blogs on the Religion and...
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Community Integration Toolkit
The Community Integration Toolkit offers informational content and accompanying worksheets...
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Congregational Accompaniment Project for Asylum Seekers: Handbook for Congregations
This handbook provides an overview of the asylum-seeker accompaniment process, information...
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Toolkit For Churches Accompanying People Seeking Asylum
Presented by the Presbyterian Church (USA), this toolkit provides a thorough resource guide...
AmeriGlide Accessibility Solutions
This organization manufactures and sells accessibility equipment.With decades in the...
Strategic Planning: Management Within the Local Church
This book supports congregational leaders that are looking to effectively build...
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