44 results for Context


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Artificial Intelligence and Redemptive Work
This podcast interview from the Denver Institute for Faith and Work explores how artificial...
7 Creative Models for Community Ministry
This book outlines seven ministry models to serve a local community, detailing the criteria of...
When Moses Meets Aaron: Staffing and Supervision in Large Congregations
Part instruction manual, part toolkit, this resource takes corporate human resource tools and...
Living Well and Dying Faithfully: Christian Practices for End-of-Life Care
Drawing on the author's experience as a patient care practitioner and chaplain, this...
web resource
The African American Lectionary
This website is a key online resource, particularly formed for an African American audience,...
The Missional Church in Perspective: Mapping Trends and Shaping the Conversation
This book examines the multitude of definitions for the term "missional" before offering...
Missional Map-Making: Skills for Leading in Times of Transition
This resource argues that the old approach to making maps, a strategic planning technique, is...
Lives Entrusted: An Ethic of Trust for Ministry
This resource looks at topics such as misconduct, authenticity, testimony, vulnerability, and...
Crossing the Ethnic Divide: The Multiethnic Church on a Mission
This resource will be useful for congregational leaders interested in ministry within a...
"Nones" on the Rise
This research report on the religiously unaffiliated offers a measured view of what's changed,...
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