47 results for Hope


Kids Hope USA
This organization connects congregations with at-risk children for mentorship opportunities. ...
Wounded Warrior, Wounded Home: Hope and Healing for Families Living with PTSD and TBI
Written by the wife of a wounded Navy Seal veteran, this resource weaves the author's...
Youth Ministry in the Black Church: Centered in Hope
Based on a study of more than 800 congregations, this resource draws from the experience of...
Liberating Hope: Daring to Renew the Mainline Church
This resource combats the widespread loss of church participants by calling on congregations...
Hope For Children In Poverty: Profiles and Possibilities
This collection of essays, testimonies, and reflections offers inspirational and practical...
Ending with Hope: A Resource for Closing Congregations
This resource draws insight from 15 different clergy and lay leaders to cover every major...
Cancer – Now What? Taking Action, Finding Hope, and Navigating the Journey Ahead
Written in 12 sections, this pastoral guide for cancer patients and their caretakers offers a...
web resource
Ministry In Today's Rural Church
A podcast interview with Karl Vaters and Brad Roth, the author of God's Country: Faith,...
Global Immersion
This organization helps Christian clergy and lay leaders develop skills as peacemakers and...
web resource
Mental Health & The Church
Celebrate Recovery, developed by John Baker, Saddleback Minister of Celebrate Recovery, is now...
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