28 results for Accessibility


Welcoming All Abilities
Curator Kate White
6 resources
Youth Ministry Tools
Curator Ben Tapper
5 resources


organization Updated
AmeriGlide Accessibility Solutions
This organization manufactures and sells accessibility equipment. With decades in the...
The ADA Companion Guide: Understanding Accessibility Guidelines and Architectural Barriers
This resource specializes in understanding the American with Disabilities and Architectural...
Synagogue Inclusion Inventory & Focus Group Guidelines
This 11-page document gives leaders a process to assess their facility and conduct group...
software Updated
This software is an all-in-one translation and accessibility software for events and...
Welcoming People with Developmental Disabilities and Their Families: A Practical Guide for...
This short booklet contains helpful information and practical strategies to aid congregations...
Child by Child: Supporting Children with Learning Differences and Their Families
This how-to guide offers tips and tools for integrating special needs children and youth into...
Religious Entities Under the Americans With Disabilities Act
This article explains when and how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to...
Disability, Faith, and the Church: Inclusion and Accommodation in Contemporary Congregations
This book presents best practices for congregations as they develop ministries for people...
Everybody Belongs, Serving Together: Inclusive Church Ministry with People with Disabilities
This resource serves as a primer for volunteers, staff, and congregants on the inclusion of...
web resource
Disabilities, Religion, and Spirituality Program
This web resource by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center in Nashville, Tennessee provides...
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