91 results for Assessment


Church Building Maintenance
Curator Nancy DeMott
1 resources
Church Planting Resources
Curator Tim Shapiro
4 resources
Clergy Health
Curator Doug Hanner
5 resources
Planned Giving in Your Congregation
Curator Tim Shapiro
3 resources
Internal and External Assessments
Curator Tim Shapiro
6 resources
Responding to Mass Violence
Curator Kate White
9 resources
Church Administration Training
Curator Aaron Spiegel
5 resources
Church Staff Resources
Curator Kelly Minas
8 resources
Church Building Programs
Curator Kate White
6 resources
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web resource
Church Assessment Tool (CAT)
This congregational assessment from provides benchmark data to inform decisions about...
web resource
Church Health Assessment Tool (CHAT)
This survey is designed to be used during times of change, periods of new development, and...
Plan 4 It: The 4 Essential Master Plans for Every Church
This book outlines how to strategically plan your building project by sharing practical wisdom...
Transformational Church: Creating a New Scorecard for Congregations
This book is written for congregations seeking to strengthen disciple-making skills through...
web resource
Cultural Intelligence for Ministry
This web resource offers a Faith-Based Assessment for congregations to examine their cultural...
44 Questions for Congregational Self-Appraisal
This list provides 44 assessment questions, ranging from staff to identity, to consider before...
Smart Compassion: How to Stop "Doing Outreach" and Start Making Change
This guide offers congregations a relationship-rich model for community ministry that can...
7 Epic Youth Ministry Mistakes: How Many is Your Church Making?
This e-book shares common youth ministry mistakes and how to avoid them.
Ministry Architects
This organization provides a wide variety of resources, such as coaching, workshops, and...
web resource
Transforming Church Insight (TCI)
This assessment tool provides an evaluation of your congregation's sense of community.
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