17 results for Disability


Welcoming All Abilities
Curator Kate White
6 resources
Youth Ministry Tools
Curator Ben Tapper
5 resources


Amazing Gifts: Stories of Faith, Disability, and Inclusion
These personal stories offer perspective for leaders to make their congregations accessible...
Child by Child: Supporting Children with Learning Differences and Their Families
This how-to guide offers tips and tools for integrating special needs children and youth into...
web resource
The Inclusive Church: Helping Churches Successfully Include Children with Special Needs
This blog is for congregational leaders desiring resources for special needs inclusion,...
The Church and Families of Children with Special Needs
This panel discussion considers what role parishioners, lay leaders, and clergy can play to...
Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics
This resource takes a historical and contemporary approach to ethics that will help the...
web resource
Learning for Justice
This resource hub helps students K-12 to learn about diversity and social justice issues. ...
Everybody Belongs, Serving Together: Inclusive Church Ministry with People with Disabilities
This resource serves as a primer for volunteers, staff, and congregants on the inclusion of...
Synagogue Inclusion Inventory & Focus Group Guidelines
This 11-page document gives leaders a process to assess their facility and conduct group...
Ability Tree
This organization can help congregations evaluate their accessibility to disabled people...
web resource
Collaborative On Faith And Disabilities
A collaborative website with many resources collected by the Institute of Theology and...
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