12 results for Marriage


The Marriage of Mental Health and Ministry
Curator Dr. Christina Jones Davis
3 resources


UnBreakable: Forging a Marriage of Contentment and Delight
This resource outlines five concepts to help clergy and congregational leaders support...
This training program prepares participants to facilitate groups and build stronger, healthier...
CTS Counseling Center
As part of Christian Theological Seminary, this center provides mental health counseling...
10 Things I Wish Every Christian Leader Knew About Gay Teens in Their Church
From a traditional marriage perspective, this article has concrete suggestions to relate with...
Posture Shift Ministries
Maintaining a traditional view of marriage, this organization helps ministry leaders care for...
Multidimensional Ministry for Today's Black Family
This collection of essays explores a range of topics that impact the well-being of individuals...
Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving and Finding the Church
This book reflects on what it means to belong, leave, and rediscover the church, particularly...
web resource
Virtual Pastor Network
This online service connects people in need with a virtual pastor who is a faith leader for...
person person
Freddy DeAnda
FreddyDeAnda es un pastor latino, autor, orador y podcaster sobre relaciones, bienestar...
Mega National Christian Counseling Conference
This conference is an annual event hosted by the American Association of Christian...
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