145 results for Strategies


Congregational Communication Resources
Curator Matt Burke
5 resources
Courting Justice
Curator Bere Gil Soto
5 resources
Church Management and Administration
Curator Ben Tapper
9 resources
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategies
Curator Thresette Briggs
3 resources
Healthy Congregations
Curator the CRG Team
11 resources
Responding in Times of Crisis
Curator Karen Goley
2 resources
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Cause for Change: The Why and How of Nonprofit Millennial Engagement
This research-based guide dives into how to strategically engage Millennials as constituents,...
Getting to Amen: 8 Strategies for Managing Conflict in the African American Church
This book addresses the unique characteristics of conflict in African American congregations,...
4 VBS Strategies for This Summer
This booklet offers strategies to adjust your summer programming due to COVID-19.
7 Church TikTok Strategies for Energizing Your Ministry
This video from ReachRight explores TikTok strategies that can help energize your...
Research Strategies for Congregations: Tools for Understanding the People in Your Church and...
This article explores a variety of research-based strategies to help congregations gain a...
web resource
"What If…" Series: Faith Formation Strategies for a post-Pandemic World
These articles offer creative and practical faith formation ideas for an increasingly...
Communication Strategies for Addressing Conflict
This article discusses the role that miscommunication plays in congregational conflict and...
The Voice of Authority: 10 Communication Strategies Every Leader Needs to Know
A Fortune 500 consultant provides advice on how to communicate responsibly to make others...
Strategies for Educating African American Children
This resource combines knowledge of the African American Sunday School tradition with insights...
Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church
This resource draws insights from a study of congregations and young adults to present helpful...
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