34 results for Care Ministry


COVID-19 Resources
Curator Aaron Spiegel
11 resources
Wellness Ministry
Curator Kelly Minas
6 resources
Mental Health in Black and Brown Congregations
Curator Tim Shapiro
2 resources


web resource
God's Work through Parish Nursing
This web resource offers a video that, through movement, image and music, portrays the...
web resource
Five Wishes
This website offers practical kits and guides to help congregations document their medical...
web resource
The Conversation Project
This resource page helps congregations facilitate end-of-life planning and conversations.
The Body Keeps the Score
This psychology-based book shares the prevalence of trauma, how it impacts the brain and the...
No Matter How Small: Understanding Miscarriage and Stillbirth
This book gives stories and practical advice to help those experiencing miscarriage and...
Understanding the Effects of Social Isolation on Mental Health
This article defines social isolation and its effects on human beings. It also provides tips...
How to Recover from Psychological Aftershocks of Lockdown
Written in May of 2020, this article describes the long-term and downstream negative effects...
Prickly Pear Collective
This faith-based, trauma-informed collective works at the intersections of community + church...
Anchored: A Bible Study for Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss
This book invites parents to grieve in an honest and faith-filled way that anchors them to...
web resource
Spiritual First Aid
This resource hub combines faith and psychology to empower you to care for others from a...
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