21 results for Large


Congregational Leadership Development
Curator Kate White
8 resources


Inside the Large Congregation
Written by a consultant who deals primarily with large congregations, this book is an overview...
The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: A Practitioner's Guide for Leading Large-Group Change
Written in conversational style, this book serves as a guideline for how to lead an...
When Moses Meets Aaron: Staffing and Supervision in Large Congregations
Part instruction manual, part toolkit, this resource takes corporate human resource tools and...
Exponential Next
This organization promotes innovation among congregations by connecting entrepreneurial clergy...
web resource
Who Does the Planning?
This web resource by Susan Beaumont, a former Area Minister in the American Baptist Churches...
organization Updated
The Change Architects
The Change Architects is a specialized firm that focuses on facilitating large-scale...
Feeding America
This nonprofit organization is a nationwide partnership of food banks, food pantries, and...
Susan Beaumont and Associates, LLC
This organization provides consulting and online resources for leaders who serve large...
Religious Entities Under the Americans With Disabilities Act
This article explains when and how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to...
Sacred Structures (by Jim Baker)
Sacred Structures serves churches that emphasize values-driven cultures, embrace change,...
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