20 results for Urban Ministry


Wellness Ministry
Curator Kelly Minas
6 resources


Urban Ministry: An Introduction
This book combines theory and practical tips to place urban ministry front and center,...
Eight Urban Ministry Strategies
This article argues for a holistic approach and strategic planning to create effective urban...
A Theology as Big as the City
This book offers congregations a perspective on developing an urban ministry through the...
To Serve This Present Age: Social Justice Ministries in the Black Church
This practical guide for the Black Church provides a model for social justice ministries. The...
Reaching Austin
This book tells the story of the beginnings of the New Life Austin church.
New Visions for Black Men
This book encourages boys with wisdom from scripture, African history, and psychology to...
web resource
This website offers African American resources for a wide range of denominations and...
Prickly Pear Collective
This faith-based, trauma-informed collective works at the intersections of community + church...
Doing Justice: Congregations and Community Organizing
This book explores community organizing at the congregational level, providing theological...
web resource
Asset-Based Community Development Institute
Asset-Based Community Development Institute (ABCD)’ s website shimmers with enthusiasm...
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