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Caring Congregations

Fostering a caring congregation requires support, training, and planning. This collection offers guidance for building a caring and healthy environment with a congregation.


3 Resources
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Guest Contributor

Doug Hanner

Doug Hanner is a pastor and former CRG director. He has a strong background of lay ministry and strategic planning coaching and consulting.

Congregational Care Training

Congregations are all about caring and community. If religious leaders want their church to be successful, they want to find ways to connect with members and attendees and visitors, to offer a caring environment built on healthy relationships. Even though this may seem obvious, leaders often have a lot of demands placed on their time, and it can be easy to forget that the true focus of the time should perhaps be on the congregation itself. After all, members of the congregation look to these leaders for assistance. What, then, do they potentially need to do to help take good care of their congregation? That is where congregational care training can be helpful.

No matter what type of congregation they are serving, it can be a good idea for leaders to focus on pastoral care responsibilities. When they are able to formulate a strong care ministry job description, they may then be able to attract the right people to the position. Furthermore, it might be worth taking a look at church member care ministry. If leaders are able to take care of the members of the congregation, then the congregation members will likely be able to take care of them, as well.

It may also be helpful to remember that the foundation of the church is usually the congregation itself. Without a congregation, religious leaders will not have a church. Naturally, they probably have a lot of goals for their church, as well, and it is likely the members of the congregation who are going to help them get there. That is why leaders might want to take advantage of all the care training resources available out there. If they show that they are invested and taking better care of the members of the congregation, then they are then going to be more likely to show up week after week. Whether these leaders are looking for books on congregational care training, videos that can help them take care of their congregation, or even conventions that can help them learn how to be a better church leader, they might benefit from taking advantage of all of these resources so that they can begin to improve their leadership abilities. If they are able to invest in becoming a better leader of their church, they will likely then be able to take better care of their congregation, as well.

Church Pastoral Care Plan

Members of the congregation are likely going to come to religious leaders for help with their spirituality. Therefore, it may be a good idea for leadership to prioritize pastoral care. There are plenty of congregational care models available out there. When it comes to care and concern ministry, this is going to be rooted in spirituality. Therefore, a church pastoral care plan can often prove to be a very good thing to have in place.

First, it might be a good idea to define pastoral care itself. Then, leaders can begin putting together an effective plan for addressing this issue. Pastoral care can cover a wide variety of topics. For example, this can be something that is going to focus on improving someone's spiritual health, counseling abilities, and overall religious education. If leaders are able to provide pastoral care, they might be able to provide spiritual support services such as visitation, bereavement care, prayer sessions, counseling, and memorial services. Depending on the exact structure of the church itself, naturally, the pastoral care plan may differ. There is also likely a good chance that the pastoral care team is going to have more than one person on it, and it can therefore be a good idea to try and make sure that the individual duties of each person reflect their strengths.

For instance, certain members of the pastoral care team may excel when it comes to running memorial services, whereas others may excel when it comes to running prayer sessions. This is something that may need to be a part of any pastoral care plan. First, leadership may need to find situations in which the pastoral care team is likely going to be called upon to help. Then, they might decide to specify who is going to step up in certain situations. Finally, they might also need to provide pastoral care training for members of the pastoral care team. The reality, perhaps, is that people are not born simply knowing how to provide pastoral care. These are often very delicate situations, and will likely require a specific set of skills. With a strong training program, however, members of the pastoral care team can be provided with all the skills they need to be able to make a difference in the lives of the congregation members. Do not underestimate the significance of the pastoral care team.

Care Ministry Training Resources

A church may potentially have numerous ministry groups in operation. For example, it may have a ministry that focuses on education, along with a ministry group that focuses on music. There might also be a ministry group that focuses on outreach, where they identify opportunities to help people in the community.

Naturally, this is something that can play a significant role in the church. In addition, it may also be a good idea to have a group that focuses on care. What does this team look like? What resources might they have available to them?

The primary goal of the church is likely going to be to take care of people. This includes members of the community, as well as members of the congregation. If religious leaders are trying to start a congregational care ministry, it can be good for them to target care ministry resources. There are countless resources available, in this regard, which may include books, videos, movies, classes, and even conventions where people can attend to learn more about what this group may look like. Church care team training can oftentimes be seen as essential because even though it does not take a lot of training to take care of someone else, it does take training to handle specific situations that can arise when it comes to memorial services, bereavement, prisons, hospital visits, and other delicate situations. If leaders want their care team to be able to function effectively, it might be worth considering taking advantage of all of these training resources.

Furthermore, they may also have to consider placing the right people on the team. Who should likely be put on the care team of the ministry? To answer this question, it can be a good idea to take a look at who comes to the church. Is there anyone with professional training who regularly attends the service? What about someone who is a professional counselor? Is there a psychiatrist who comes to the church regularly? If leaders are fortunate enough to have people with professional training in this area, then they may very well want to also be the leaders of the congregational team. Then, they can potentially begin to help other people learn about ways to help individuals who come to the congregational care team at the church for assistance.

Care Ministry Handbook

As their ministry group continues to grow, religious leaders may start to notice a pattern when it comes to their duties and obligations. In this situation, they may want to use a care ministry handbook. This handbook can be helpful because it can potentially act as a roadmap for handling certain situations.

Naturally, everyone's situation is likely going to be different, and that should perhaps be considered the front line of the pastoral care training manual. People may have to use their instincts, training, and experience in order to help make sure that each situation is able to be addressed individually. On the other hand, it can also be helpful to provide people with a foundation, regarding what they should do in order to help people who may come to them for assistance.

For instance, there may be situations where people come to the care team because someone in their family is dealing with a terminal illness, and they will likely have a lot of questions and concerns related to processing this situation. It may be helpful to provide information in a handbook regarding how to deal with this situation. This handbook could also be helpful because it can provide a list of resources that people on the care team could then share with those individuals who may be going through this specific situation. This is likely never easy, and it might prove to be important to simply remind people to treat others with care and compassion during this time.

A lot of people may also come to the care team if they find themselves going through a specific personal conflict. Perhaps they got into a fight with a family member. Maybe they are concerned that their marriage is falling apart. Perhaps they are having issues in keeping their children on the right track. These are perhaps some of the most common reasons why people may turn to the care team at a church, and if the handbook is able to provide members of the care team with a roadmap regarding how to deal with this situation, this can potentially more greatly increase their chances of being successful.

Congregational Care Structure

Similar to other ministry groups that leaders may have in their church, it can be a good idea to have a strong organizational structure in place. That way, people will be better able to understand exactly what their role is. There can often be a lot of moving parts when it comes to a strong congregational care structure. For example, there may be a religious leader at the top of the congregational care team. Then, there may be other leaders on the team. These could perhaps be individuals with a lot of experience on the team or professionals who have some sort of training when it comes to counseling. Delineating these roles can be a good idea, because certain members of the congregational care team may find themselves needing to reach out to a leader for assistance in certain situations.

Then, it might be helpful to include congregational care goals as a part of this structure, as well. What should the goals of this program be? Naturally, the ultimate goal of this program is likely going to be to help members of the congregation and local community deal with potential issues that could arise. With this in mind, then, how are members of the care team going to be able to help people who are dealing with these issues? Should the goal be to refer these people to other places for help? Should the goal be to help people work through this in the context of the care team? There are a lot of concerns that may have to be addressed. If the congregational care team has goals that are clearly defined, then they will potentially have an easier time in achieving their missions.

These are just a few of the potentially key factors that people might need to keep in mind when it comes to running a congregational care team, as this can often be seen as one of the most important groups in the church. Therefore, it may very well be worth working to help place this group in the best position possible to succeed.

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