This ecumenical organization highlights various Asian American experiences and provides...
But I Don't See You as Asian: Curating Conversations about Race
Written by a third generation Chinese-Filipino and experienced leader of multi-cultural...
Growing Healthy Asian American Churches
Written by Asian American authors and pastors, this resource provides various biblical...
Honoring the Generations: Learning with Asian North American Congregations
This resource explores opportunities for ministry in the Asian North American Christian...
It's Lonely Being a Liberal Asian-American Christian
This article explores the intersection of Asian-American culture and Christianity, why many...
Out of Silence: Emerging Themes in Asian American Churches
Based on interviews, research, and surveys, this resource considers three types of Asian...
Guest Contributor
Aaron Spiegel
Aaron is a rabbi, author, and president of the Synagogue Studies Institute. He formerly directed the CRG and information technology at the Center for Congregations.