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Responding in Times of Crisis

This growing collection of resources offers valuable insights and practical strategies for supporting individuals and leading congregations during times of crisis. Life can be challenging with crises seemingly coming from so many directions. Explore these resources to become equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively navigate challenging situations with compassion and care.


2 Resources
Preaching in the Wake of Disaster
This article offers five suggestions for clergy who must preach after a disaster impacts...
How Your Church Can Help with Disaster Relief in Another City
This article can help congregations think through how they might assist with disaster...


Karen Goley

Senior Director of CRG and Resources

Karen Goley serves as the senior director of the Congregational Resource Guide (CRG) and Resources.  Prior to joining the Center, Karen spent over fifteen years in the human resources field, serving nonprofit and financial services organizations in the Indianapolis area and the suburbs of Chicago.

With faith as her foundation, Karen enjoys spending quality time with her family and is a very proud Purdue University alum.  Having earned a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership and Supervision, Karen put her pride on full display by naming the family pup Mackey- after Purdue basketball’s Mackey Arena.  Boiler Up!

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