
A Code of Jewish Ethics, Volume 2: Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

by Joseph Telushkin, Bell Tower, NY, 2009


This book demonstrates how to live the Jewish mandate to love one's neighbor, studying Jewish texts and applying them to modern times.


discussion of ethics found in the Torah, Talmud, and medieval writings; loving your neighbor; Jews and non-Jews; animal world; matters of life and death; justice and tolerance

Recommended Audience

Jewish clergy and lay leader


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Practical Applications

  • Write a sermon based on the theme of loving one's neighbor after reflecting on the insights of this text.
  • Practice kindness throughout your day by applying the teachings of traditional Jewish texts.

About the Contributor

Jan Goodyear

Jan Goodyear is a retired middle school language arts teacher. She retired after 33 years of teaching and has since educated herself on church transformation and applied that knowledge by consulting with churches on visioning, structure, leadership development, and Christian education. 

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