
A New State of Mind - Ending the Stigma of Mental Illness

Video, 57 minutes., Public Broadcasting Service, VA, May 30, 2013


This hour-long documentary details the stories of everyday people while breaking through the silence, shame, and stigma related to mental illness.


testimonials from professionals, politicians, veterans, family members, and mental health advocates

Recommended Audience

congregations of any faith traditio



Practical Applications

  • Raise awareness during Mental Health Month in May by providing a congregation-wide screening of this documentary.
  • Share segments of this documentary to initiate a discussion about mental health.

About the Contributor

Carole Wills

Carole Wills is a retired church musician and volunteer for NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness. She was a mental health advocate, educator, community organizer, and affiliate leader at the national, state and local levels. Her NAMI FaithNet work focused on equipping faith communities and faith leaders to welcome, support and include people living with serious mental health conditions.

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