
Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church

by Kenda Creasy Dean, Oxford University Press, NY, 2010


This book addresses the future of faith in the next generation, looking at four characteristics found in committed young Christians to offer a new approach to Christian education.


insight from the National Study of Youth and Religion, suggestions for teens to live more authentically engaged Christian lives, approach to Christian education, four traits common in committed young Christians

Recommended Audience

clergy, lay leaders, youth ministry leaders, and parent


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Practical Applications

  • Assess the impact and reach of your youth ministry after reading this resource.
  • Form a new approach to Christian education by placing mission at its core.

About the Contributor

Beth Booram

Beth Booram is the co-founder and director of Fall Creek Abbey, an urban retreat center in Indianapolis dedicated to “renewing the contemplative spirit.” In addition, she is a trained spiritual director and author of several books including When Faith Becomes Sight. Beth worked for five years on contract as a resource consultant with the Center for Congregations. 


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