
Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and Deal with Destructive Conflict

by Kenneth Haugk Tebunah Ministries, 2013


This resource offers insight on how to identify a bully or antagonist and guidance to address that individual's behavior.


tools to confront a bully, scripture references, real-life examples, free introductory video, study guide, red flag checklist

Recommended Audience

clergy and lay leaders, especially United Methodis


Purchase as a book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Identify potential antagonists within your congregation using the red flags checklist.
  • Develop a strategy to resolve conflict with an antagonist after gaining insight from scripture and real-life examples.

About the Contributor

Marie Fleming

Marie Fleming was a contract resource consultant for the Center for Congregations. Her consulting practice includes congregation-based Permaculture Design and equipping congregations for creation care.

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