
Beyond Fundraising: A Complete Guide to Congregational Stewardship

by Wayne B. Clark, Unitarian Universalist Association, MA, 2007


This book covers all aspects of congregational stewardship, ranging from the spirituality of giving to the need for intentional fundraising efforts.


sample documents for various aspects of congregational fundraising and building projects

Recommended Audience

clergy and lay leaders, especially Unitaria


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Develop an on-going phased program of stewardship and a planned giving by sharing this resource with lay leaders.
  • Consider the financial responsibilities of a building project by reviewing the final sections: the need to build, organizing the project, and deciding about debt.

About the Contributor

Wendy McCormick

Wendy McCormick is the Center for Congregations’ southwest Indiana director. She has an interest in congregational fundraising and stewardship, including planned giving.

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