
Church Planting in the African American Community

by Michael Cox, Joe Samuel Ratliff, Judson Press, PA, 2002


This resource brings unique insights into the difficult process of successful church planting, focusing specifically on differences between African American church planters and church planting in general.


obstacles and how to avoid them, differences between African American church planters and general church planting, vision for church planting, the role of a sponsoring congregation

Recommended Audience

clergy, lay leaders, church planters, community activists, and urban planner


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Practical Applications

  • Consult this resource before beginning the church planting process to reflect on potential challenges and how to solve them.
  • Strategize a plan to successfully start a church in the African American community by drawing on the experience of successful church plants and planners.

About the Contributor

Brian Witwer

Brian Witwer is the retired director of the Center for Congregations' northeast office. Brian has specialized training in leadership and group process.

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