
Church Transfusion: Changing Your Church Organically From the Inside Out

by Neil Cole, Phil Helfer, Jossey-Bass, CA, 2012


This resource centers on the role of leadership and how church leaders motivated by vital faith and the ethic of love can create positive change.


10 examples of transitions and the churches who made them, equipping people for ministry beyond the church community, insight into congregational dynamics, characteristics of congregational DNA

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Develop leadership that moves from control to the maintenance of order, and from self interest to selflessness using this book during leadership retreats.
  • Engage in ministry beyond the church community by sharing this resource with congregational leaders.

About the Contributor

Brian Witwer

Brian Witwer is the retired director of the Center for Congregations' northeast office. Brian has specialized training in leadership and group process.

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