
Creating a Church Safety Plan

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by Philip Brooks, United Methodist Church, TN


This article helps congregations think about and develop a safety plan. Author Philip Brooks believes that now is a good time for congregations to develop a safety plan that will inform members on what to do in the event of a violent crisis on the premises. This article provides a few simple steps congregations can take to develop their safety plan.


  • Links to online or in-person training
  • Steps to create a congregational safety plan

Recommended Audience

senior clergy, leadership team, facilities managers, worship greeters



Practical Applications

  • Read this article and discuss it as a leadership team
  • Share this article with congregational leaders to enhance or build a safety/security team or task force
  • Learn steps to take to establish a safety or security team or task force by reviewing this article and implementing the suggested insights.

About the Contributor

Kara Faris

Executive Director of Programs

Kara Faris is the Center’s executive director of programs. Over her time at the Center, she has also served as the director of resource grants and resource consulting and the education director.

Before working at the Center, Kara served First Friends Meeting of Indianapolis as associate pastor. With a degree in marketing from Butler University’s College of Business Administration and a master of divinity degree from Christian Theological Seminary, Kara brings a blend of pragmatism, intuition and passion for lifelong learning to the Center. Kara has authored Including Laity in Education Events Empowers Congregations and co-authored the book Divergent Church.

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