
Curriculum Evaluation Tool

United Church of Canada, ON, 2017


This article suggests ways to discern if a particular faith formation curriculum is a good fit for your congregation.


list of criteria to consider, like theological fit, durability of content, and cost; worksheet to list strengths and challenges for curricula; provocative questions to consider when deciding on a curriculum

Recommended Audience

faith formation and education teams from Christian congregations



Practical Applications

  • Use the worksheet to make a thorough list of pros and cons for any faith formation curriculum your team is considering.
  • Learn which questions to ask when considering whether a curriculum is the right theological match for your congregation.

About the Contributor

Kelly Minas

Executive Director for Center Evaluation and Funded Programs

Kelly Minas designs and directs evaluation processes for grants, resource consulting, and educational programs at the Center for Congregations. Kelly received an undergraduate degree in American culture from Vassar College, where she was active in interfaith work on campus, and a master’s degree in contemporary sociology from the University of Leicester in England.

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