
Decision Decks

by Simon Osamoh


This collection of decks of safety and security scenario cards enables leaders to experience realistic safety and security scenarios. Each deck of cards is tailored to rapidly empower and upskill a team.

The creator of Decision Decks values empowering congregational leaders to effectively respond to safety and security situations. By providing straightforward and realistic scenarios on each card in the decks, it enhances critical thinking, judgment, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities.


  • 60 scenario cards per deck
  • Examples of realistic safety and security issues facing congregations
  • Questions to guide thinking and discussion

Recommended Audience

security team, senior clergy, facilities management, congregational staff, leadership team


Purchase as book, e-book or audio book

Practical Applications

  • Use the scenarios with the greeters and safety team before each worship service to spark conversations on potential responses.
  • Choose a card at random and plan what to do and say before a real life situation occurs.
  • Use with a safety team with little or no budget because the decks are affordable
  • Review cards at random during staff or committee meetings

About the Contributor

Kara Faris

Executive Director of Programs

Kara Faris is the Center’s executive director of programs. Over her time at the Center, she has also served as the director of resource grants and resource consulting and the education director.

Before working at the Center, Kara served First Friends Meeting of Indianapolis as associate pastor. With a degree in marketing from Butler University’s College of Business Administration and a master of divinity degree from Christian Theological Seminary, Kara brings a blend of pragmatism, intuition and passion for lifelong learning to the Center. Kara has authored Including Laity in Education Events Empowers Congregations and co-authored the book Divergent Church.

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