
Discover Your Conflict Management Style

by Speed B. Leas, Rowman & Littlefield, MD, 1998


This resource will help the reader identify their conflict management tendencies before zooming out and revealing how those tendencies play out in larger congregational conflict, offering options for responding to conflict and how to resolve problems.


self-test, pathways for resolution, conflict as an event, responding to conflict

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Understand your behavioral tendencies when conflict arises by taking the self-test.
  • Discuss this book in small groups to strategize ways to avoid conflict and create steps towards resolution.

About the Contributor

Janet Hoover

Janet Hoover is a certified spiritual director in private practice and an American Baptist pastor. She graduated from the University of Indianapolis and earned her MDiv and DMin from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. 

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