This toolkit supports congregational leaders by providing a framework for determining your congregation's vision while strategic planning. Discovering God's Future for Your Church helps your congregation determine its vision by looking at its history, strengths, weaknesses, and needs.
- Available as a download or DVD/CD
- Instructional leaders guide
- Discussion exercises and planning tools
- Handouts and diagrams
- Video segments such as "How to Discern a Vision"; "Seeking Your Church's Next Faithful Step"; and "Bringing it All Together: Vision at the Intersection of Identity, Context, and Community"
Recommended Audience
congregational leaders, clergy leaders
Varies per service
Practical Applications
- Watch the YouTube video, "Discovering God's Future For Your Church: An Overview of the Process" with key members of your team to gain a mutual understanding of the vision discernment process and determine if it would be helpful for your congregation.
- Use this methodology to discover what's next: what is God most calling your congregation to do?