
Doing Justice: Congregations and Community Organizing

by Dennis A. Jacobsen, Augsburg Fortress , MN, 2017


This book explores community organizing at the congregational level, providing theological insight and practical strategies to achieve justice.


partnering with activists, community organizing, sustainability, spirituality for the long haul, study guide, further reading, national organizing networks

Recommended Audience

congregants interested in justic


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Practical Applications

  • Learn key principles to organize for justice in your community.
  • Identify potential organizations your congregation can partner with to make a larger impact.

About the Contributor

Melissa Spas

Melissa Spas is the managing director of the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving, where she develops and leads educational programs and partnerships with religious organizations and the people who lead them. She has also worked for leadership education at Duke Divinity, where she contributed to the development, design, and delivery of strategic leadership programs and resources for Christian institutions. 

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