
EmPOWERED to Serve

American Heart Association, TX


This online platform by the American Heart Association reduces health disparities and supports local solutions to health justice issues, specifically with minorities and multicultural communities.


COVID-19 resources, Healthier Church Challenge, virtual health lessons, news stories, business accelerator, and social impact grant opportunities

Recommended Audience

African American and Latinx communities; congregational leaders who care about health justice issues



Practical Applications

  • Impact health outcomes in your community by participating in an online health lesson and mobilizing your faith community.
  • Understand how COVID-19 affects communities of color by viewing the videos and new stories.

About the Contributor

Kelly Minas

Executive Director for Center Evaluation and Funded Programs

Kelly Minas designs and directs evaluation processes for grants, resource consulting, and educational programs at the Center for Congregations. Kelly received an undergraduate degree in American culture from Vassar College, where she was active in interfaith work on campus, and a master’s degree in contemporary sociology from the University of Leicester in England.

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