
Facilitators, Consultants and Coaches – Which One Do I Need?

by Susan Weber, Center for Congregations, IN, 2014


This article distinguishes the differences between facilitators, consultants, and coaches to help congregations determine which will best address their needs.


distinctions among the roles of facilitators, consultants, and coaches; essential qualitites of each

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders



Practical Applications

  • Discern what type of outside professional help could address your congregation's needs by sharing this article with clergy and lay leaders.
  • Gain a clearer understanding of the differences between facilitators, consultants, and coaches.

About the Contributor

Susan Weber

LEI Division Evaluation Project

Susan Weber coordinates the evaluation processes for Lilly Endowment Inc.’s Religion Division. She spent several years as the Indianapolis Center for Congregation’s director of evaluation and congregational learning, as well as a resource consultant to congregations.

Susan is a Roman Catholic lay woman. Prior to her work at the Center, she served the Archdiocese of Indianapolis as coordinator of boards of education, office of Catholic education from 1976-1985. For almost 20 years thereafter, she was an independent consultant and group facilitator for dioceses, churches, religious communities, and schools nationwide. Sue has degrees from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College and Indiana University, Bloomington and is professionally certificated as a group facilitator through Indiana University.

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