
Families at the Center of Faith Formation

by Leif Kehrwald, John Roberto, Gene Roehlkepartain, Jolene Roehlkepartain, Lifelong Faith Publications, CT, 2016


This resource combines research-based findings with practical tools to examine what makes for effective faith transmission and why, proposing that congregations put families at the center.


understanding 21st century parents and families, growing in faith as a family, live links

Recommended Audience

Clergy and lay leaders


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Explore additional resources by utilizing the live links within the e-book.
  • Equip families for all forms of home-centered faith formation by sharing the "Growing in Faith as a Family" chapter with families.

About the Contributor

Marie Fleming

Marie Fleming was a contract resource consultant for the Center for Congregations. Her consulting practice includes congregation-based Permaculture Design and equipping congregations for creation care.

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