
Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership

by Dan Hotchkiss, Rowman & Littlefield, MD, 2016


This book combines missional theology, organizational know-how, and practical experience to offer congregational leaders a roadmap and tools for changing the way boards and clergy work together to lead a congregation.


style guide for policy makers, sample board policy statement, governance change process, key leadership relationships

Recommended Audience

clergy, lay leaders, and board member


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Adapt a board policy suitable for the congregation's needs by using the sample board policy as a starting point.
  • Create effective relationships between clergy and board members by studying this resource together.

About the Contributor

Sandra Herron

Sandra Herron is the founding principal and owner of MiddlEdge, Inc., a management consultancy dedicated to helping congregations align their strategy, people, structure, and processes to achieve their vision. She is an experienced adult educator, trainer and facilitator in academic, community, corporate and ministry settings.

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