
Help and Hope: Disaster Preparedness and Response Tools for Congregations


Prepared by nearly two dozen experienced disaster relief practitioners, this guide gives congregations the information they need for effective action, addressing both faraway and local tragedies.


practical resource, action suggestions, questions for reflection, disaster-preparedness checklists, liturgical resources

Recommended Audience

clergy, youth leaders, disaster-response ministry team


Purchase as book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Strengthen the congregation's emergency response capacity and disaster preparedness by applying the preparedness checklist for households to the congregation.
  • Refer to the liturgical resources provided for insight on how to preach a "disaster sermon" and prayers.

About the Contributor

Marie Fleming

Marie Fleming was a contract resource consultant for the Center for Congregations. Her consulting practice includes congregation-based Permaculture Design and equipping congregations for creation care.

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